Web Developer Monthly - January 2019

Web Developer Monthly January 2019
Jan 2019



Happy New Year and welcome to another Web Developer Monthly. To kick things off for 2019 this month's edition contains the definitive website performance checklist, links to download Visual Studio 2019, a tool to auto remove backgrounds from your images and more.

If you've spotted anything you'd like me to share for the next Web Developer Monthly let me know in the comments below or reach out to me on Twitter. Enjoy!


Below is a summary of all the links contained in this post for those of you who don't care about reading the overview for each link:

Looking for some bite sized tech tips? Every Friday I try to post a simple Tweet sized tech tip. Simply search for #FridayTechTip on Twitter to find a list of all my past tips. The tech tips for the last month were:





Remove Image Background

Remove Image Background


Remove Image Background is one of those products that doesn't require any description - it literally does what you think - removed the background from any photo so that you can use the remaining image. It works well with images of people or animals.

There's even an API for you to hook into your next web app too (currently in BETA).






Cast shadow visualization

Cast shadow visualization


When it comes to CSS I always find it easier to visually see what something will look like using a playground than just reading about some settings in a blog post.

This CodePen scratches that itch when it comes to casting shadows on your elements. Simply use the slider and grab the code underneath in your own project to get a similar effect.




Visual Studio 2019 Preview

Visual Studio 2019 Preview


The wait is finally over and you can now download a preview of Visual Studio 2019. VS2019 brings a fresh new lick of paint on the UI side of things as well as some great performance boosts too.

So if you're looking to mess around with some .Net Core 3 over the weekend why not take it for a spin!






Flutter 1.0: Google's Portable UI Toolkit

Flutter 1.0: Googles Portable UI Toolkit


Google recently released v1 of it's cross platform mobile UI toolkit, Flutter. This UI toolkit looks awesome and works with Visual Code very well. My only reservation is that as it's a Google tool, it may or may not be around in 2-3yrs time. I find the staying power of Google's tools or apps can be short so perhaps keep this one for your personal projects rather than rolling it out in your enterprise solutions.






That's it until next month! I hope you found something useful with this month's list of links and resources.

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